Wednesday, August 3, 2011

College and Stuff

I think that today was the first day that it really sank in that I'm leaving. With the start of August came this huge shock that I am leaving this month! In three weeks! The summer has magically seemed to vanish and I feel like I almost have no time left. All of the plans I made at the beginning of the summer still haven't happened and it feels a little overwhelming.

I went shopping for college stuff today, which was also weird. I bought my bedding and bath stuff for my dorm. It was weird thinking about how I'll need my own stuff cause I'll be living on my own. Like I need my own towels and toothpaste and shampoo, cause I'm so used to sharing that stuff. The whole experience was really strange, but also really exciting. I just hope that I can handle living on my own and that I'll have better luck convincing myself to do laundry in college.

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