Saturday, August 13, 2011

This Week

This week I taught my friends how to play a game called Bang!

To say that they liked it would be an understatement! We actually played the game four days in a row. Not that I can complain cause it's my favorite game :) But it just made me realize how much I like simple things. One simple card game could fill us with enough entertainment to last FOUR days! Who knew sitting in a park with Bang would end up being so fulfilling and that we could just relax and not have to find some complicated, expansive way to have fun. It was nice!

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

College and Stuff

I think that today was the first day that it really sank in that I'm leaving. With the start of August came this huge shock that I am leaving this month! In three weeks! The summer has magically seemed to vanish and I feel like I almost have no time left. All of the plans I made at the beginning of the summer still haven't happened and it feels a little overwhelming.

I went shopping for college stuff today, which was also weird. I bought my bedding and bath stuff for my dorm. It was weird thinking about how I'll need my own stuff cause I'll be living on my own. Like I need my own towels and toothpaste and shampoo, cause I'm so used to sharing that stuff. The whole experience was really strange, but also really exciting. I just hope that I can handle living on my own and that I'll have better luck convincing myself to do laundry in college.